Man an offspring of Love

God so wanted a family He could love, children of his own   His replica, offsprings made in his image and after his likeness , offsprings made complete in his nature. Complete I say yes complete  to rule as He rules, to have everything  He has.

Offsprings to fellowship with

Offsprings He could care for , shower his blessings on.

  Offsprings who would call him abba.

 Offsprings who would talk to him without being cowardly or having a sense of guilt.

 Offsprings whom He will look at and his heart will leap for joy.

Offsprings who will take all his attention.

Offsprings whom He will focus His love on.

So he decided to make us,    you and I  He first looked for a habitation,He had a wonderful home for us in mind.
He saw earth and it was without form and void and darkness was over the surface of the deep (Gen. 1:2)
His spirit moved on the face of waters and there! Bam God began to create a home for his offsprings.

  And he said "let there be light and there was light"

And so creation continued from that first day to the second to the third to the fourth to the fifth to the sixth.

  Here He made firmament. The heavens, dry land and  waters,  green grasses, herbs, wonderful flowers, fruit yielding trees.

And God saw that it was good.

Here after He created these things He said it was good, meaning it was to the level which was standard for his offsprings, every flower, trees, animals and wonderful plants He made He made to my standard, our standard.

 Love preparing a place for his offsprings. What a wonderful sight to imagine.

  Then came the greater light and the lesser light . the sun and the moon   The animals, the fishes, the birds and  God said let them bring forth abundantly after their kind.

All this for  you and I . love did this 

And He blessed them , saying be fruitful and multiply..   Then finally the time came and he said

and let them have dominion over all he has created.   God made man out of dust and breathed into Him.

God himself planted a garden for him eastward of eden and He placed him there.
 God planting a garden for man. God being the first farmer because he wanted perfection for his children.

 So he decided to plant the garden specially for Man.  This is to show you the level and degree God got to, so as to make man very comfortable.
  He was so moved by the presence of man seeing the replica of him.

 He wanted to make him something perfect.   Just as He is perfect and lives in heaven .
 He also made heaven on earth for man.
  God could have said let there be. Like He did before but He didnt ,

why?  Love wanted to show love .. awwww

Perfect .

 Man was given dominion , power and authority.  God wanted man to operate in his fullness and not in sadness, sorrow, wickedness or in fear.
Oh what a pleasure did He take in creating an offspring of love.

And He gave Him everything He had created to be under his control.

And He will come down in the cool of the day to fellowship with man.

God being always present for his children.

 God being ever ready to fellowship  God came himself, He could have watched from heaven but he came himself.
 He wanted a close and intimate fellowship with us.
Him always being available
Him always being caring
 Him always being there for us.
 Love did this.
  Love was happy to see us.He was excited he couldnt sit back in heaven to see us but came down to fellowship with us.

Love unexplainable .

 We are greatly loved .

Glory!!!!!  .. be continued     


Anonymous said…
This is beautiful

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