God Unlimited

Our God is a God with out limitations
I believe I have a witness.
In your life, I believe you have been in a situation where you were helpless and somehow something out of the natural occurred and you were set free.

Our God is a great God.
I believe I have a witness.
Our God who created the world with the word of his mouth.
Our God who made Man out of dust.
Our God who made the heavens and the earth, the beautiful flowers, the Sun, the moon,  the stars, the galaxies, the planets, the beautiful birds that sing, the colourful butterflies.
He dwells in heaven and the earth his footstool and yet He lives in us.
Our God who parted the red sea, for the Israelites to walk through.
Our God strong and mighty.
Our God who compressed the wall of Jericho.
Our God who delivered the head of Goliath into david’s hand.
Our God who makes the blind to see,
Our God who makes the lame to walk,
Our God who delivers the oppressed,
Our God who sets the captives free,
Our God who makes a woman without a womb conceive,
Our God who gives life to the dead
Our God who cures every form of disease: name it
Our God who changes SS genotype to AA
Our God who changes a failed organ overnight and replaces it with a new one.
Our God who makes new limbs grow out of deformed ones.
Our God who puts up our name for promotion.
Our awesome God
Our wonderful God
Our caring God
Our magnificent God
Our Glorious God
Our everlasting God
Never changing God.
Our wonderful God
Our mighty God
Our faithful God
Our kind God
Our merciful God
Our best friend
Our loving Father.
Some say it is impossible to describe Him. Words are not enough to do that
Some say  He is Incredible, He is indescribable
Some summed up one definition saying  He is Love.
He is our God of no limitations.
He is unstoppable
No limit to His resources.

“behold, I am the lord, the God of all flesh: is there anything too hard for me?
Jeremiah 32:27

God unlimited


TheGospelBlogue said…
Here is another post for you. #GodUnlimited

This is to show you the wonderful things God has done and is still doing. Some people have lost hope in God as a result of their situation.
But God is saying this today "I still can" if you let me, if you believe I can.

Please after reading do not fail to share with others, do not fail to share your experiences in the comment box.

God unlimited
God bless you
Unknown said…
Thank you for what you're doing, Ricky. God bless you
Funmi Obi said…
Truly we serve an unlimited God... Limitless love, power, and ability... Thank you sir for this piece. God bless u!
TheGospelBlogue said…
God bless you too funmi

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