In Whom I am

Paul in his letters to the church,  made mention of this 'in whom we have'. he always brought to the notice of the church that there new identity was in someone.

2corinthians 5;17

says 'if any man be in Christ,He is a new creation. lets examine this text critically. if any man be in Christ(if any man believes, accepts and confesses Jesus)is a new creation. if any man be found in Christ. so the new identity was talking about a position and personality of that position.
what is the personality of the position,?
 The first question God asked Adam was, where are you?. that was a question of position.
Adam lost his right standing with God, which was his position but God through Jesus restored that position back. now i can stand before God not having my own righteousness which is the law, but the righteousness which is of faith in Christ Jesus.

So we now understand fully that the wholeness of a new creation is dependent on the personality of Jesus, in him, I live, I move and have my being. in Jesus we are made perfect. in Jesus we live a victorious Christian life.
That will bring me to my favourite saying 'in whom i am' so my totality and fullness is found in Christ.

In whom we have redemption the forgiveness of sins.
colossians 1;14

In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of ourtrespasses, according to the riches of His grace, 
ephesians 1;7

this is one of the important things in life of a believer.

To be continued. .


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