Acting on his Word

Now let us go back to the days of the isrealites and act like isrealites.

A new pharoah just came into power and for no reason he began to treat us as slaves. We are told that we have to start making bricks and we are forced to do so. We pass through so much suffering that we begin to cry out for help and one day as we were working in the fields, a man came to
us and he said that his name was moses and he told us that the God of our father Abraham(who we had heard about) had heard our cries and had sent him to deliver us. We are so happy and then we begin to see things we had not not seen before. God begins to use this moses mightily that the pharoah becomes afraid of him. One day moses came to us and said that we should rub the blood of a lamb on the doorpost of our house. We do so  and in the night we are woken up by pharoah and his men and we were told to leave.

What happened?

The firstborns of the egyptians had just died so they wanted us to leave. We do so and now we are before the red sea and moses tells us not to fear that our God will fight for us. After saying this, he walks to the edge of the sea and we ask ourselves: what will he do this time? Before our very eyes, something happened: the red sea divided into two and we pass through it on dry land.
Egyptians get into the sea but then the waters of the red sea did not remain standing, they return to their normal course. This God takes us through the wilderness and He does wonders that convince us that He really can do anything. For example, when we wanted food, He practically threw it down from heaven(manna), when we wanted meat, He made birds to fly so low that we could catch them. God proved to the isrealites through many miracles that He could do all things hence they had no reason to doubt. After Jesus came, God stopped dealing with men in the sense realm hence we dont have the type of testimonies they have but we still have ours.

At various times, God made prophecies in the bible and they came to pass.
And also God has made us to have experiences and hear the stories that makes know that He can do all things because He does not change(malachi 3:6)

Lets hold on to God's word because God's word works!!!!!



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