Do you really know about this?

You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. (word)

Truth of God's word

The word of God renews us.

The mind is renewed through God's word.

You have to know who you are in Christ.. without that we cant walk in dominion.

Your faith makes you  whole.

Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

God has given us all in Christ.. now embrace him.

We are now sitted with Jesus in heavenly  places.

The problem is that we dnt know what we have.

Discover yourself in Christ.

A man doesnt know who he is until he founds himself in Christ

You dont condemned new converts with their sin .. you tell them who they are in Christ Jesus

We lack the revelation of the inchrist revelation

A mind can be born again yet in spiritual darkness.. and  satan takes advantage of this.
Understand who you are in Christ Jesus.

The devil cannot rule over the person has knows who he is in Christ Jesus

Old testament was written FOR me but the new testament was written TO me

I have to let the revelation of God's word and not the situation I find myself in the natural rule me.

 Think about this.

God's grace


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