Where is your Faith?

“now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (KJV) Hebrews 11:1
The bible says it is the ‘evidence of things not seen’

Now let me give you an illustration.

God told Abraham at 99 that He will give him a child and that he will be the father of nations, Abraham being a man who believed so much in God and believed that his word never fails had no doubt in God or his word.
Clinically a man at 99 cannot really have a child, (you can ask your doctor the possibilities if there is) but that was not Abraham’s mindset He knew that God didn’t look at the present situation, God looks ahead. He knew that was able and Capable so He believed God for what he promised him and at A LATER AGE he bore Isaac and God told him to sacrifice Isaac(now remember that God told him that he will be the father of nations and is telling him to sacrifice Isaac, hows that possible? Well it is very possible. God looks Ahead!) but before he could do that God provided him a sheep. (GENESIS 22) be patient enough to read that bible verse and understand.

So if we see how the birth of Isaac came to be, we will discover it was as a result of Faith. If you read the whole of Hebrews 11 you will understand and see what the prominent Men of God did.

Now Faith is the key to the service of God.
It is also the key to claiming our blessings and overcoming our difficulties.
Hebrews 11:6 “but without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him” (KJV)
Nobody has seen God but we believe He exists, hows that possible? ‘FAITH’ evidence of things not seen.

As a Christian  in all we do. We need to exercise this faith.
Jesus said ‘even if you faith is small like a mustard seed you can say to a mountain be thou removed and cast into the sea’ (paraphrased)
The mountain here literally talks about circumstances, difficulties, sicknesses and so many negative things which is not God’s will for you.

Romans 4:18 talks about the basic thing which should be done to execute perfect faith
 “who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be”
The bible says here ‘who against hope believed in hope’

Praised God.!

What does it mean?

It simply means that you have to create your own hope against the normal natural hope.
You confused? Here is it.
Nature made it that at 99 Abraham couldn’t have a child let alone Sarah, but according to that which was spoken (which is the word of God). He created his own hope which was built on God’s word against the humanly and natural hope.

You get it?

The bible says “faith cometh by hearing and hearing the word of God” (paraphrased)
This is the practical example
Let me give you another example.
A little child and his or her parents.
You know that moment when a father tells his child I can make you fly and the child believes. The child is ready to say that for a very long time saying my Daddy says he can make me fly..
Why do think he or she says that?
He or she absolutely believes what the father had said.
Now from that day onwards is Daddy said he can make me fly, and no matter what you say to dispute that you are wasting your time because you can never change that mindset.
This is exactly what God wants from us. Believing in his word,  and on this we can build our faith to be Perfect.

God bless you.


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