Straight from the heart

Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet; only through trial can the soul be strengthened,ambition inspired and success achieved...Nothing good can ever come easy because gold always has to go through the fiery furnace before it can become the valuable jewel that everybody desires.
..One thing that i have come to understand is that one should never retreat in the face of difficulties, one should always advance as conditions permit;and if they do not permit,create your own conditions...try to inculcate the habit of telling your difficulty that you are difficult...If only one could truly understand who they are and what they stand for,it will be a lot easier to create one's own condition..when one can understand that the ONE who lives within him is capable of doing the impossible,it will be so easy to laugh at obstacles...we should always strive to do the will of our father always because HE always wants the very best for us...most times it may seem like everything is working against us, but we have to learn to trust in HIS decisions,no matter the situation and circumstance,even when it may not suit what we want at that time...always remember that daddy knows best....Everything that was ever achieved started in someone's mind; so the mind is the starting point of anything good or bad...the visions that you glorify in our minds,the ideals that you enthrone in our hearts-this you will build your life by and this you will eventually whatever you think of yourself is who you will eventually turn out to be...we should always be careful of what we think about because it could build us or destroy us...this also leads to the kind of people that we hang with because they could influence our thought life..God could speak to us,strengthen us,encourage us,comfort us and help us through our friends...but most people never really understand who their true friends are because there are a lot of hypocrites living on earth..A true friend is like blood,they may not always be beside us but they always come out when we are wounded..its only true friends that will stand beside us through thick and thin no matter the circumstance...the Holy Spirit is actually the perfect example of friendship-friendship without condition or benefit...sticking to HIM like glue is the best decision that a human being will ever make...human friends help a lot as well because some of them are actually God's messengers to summary,watch the kind of friends you make because you could be influenced by their character...find true friends...No greater love has no man than to lay his life down for his friends...Jesus loves us so much and he is always willing to keep getting closer to us..but it is our choice to let him, everything will always be our choice...whatever situation you find yourself today is a direct reflection of the decisions and choices we made yesterday...we should be careful of the choices we make-it will determine if we live a fulfilled life of joy or an empty life without fulfilment and happiness.


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