To  fellowship with the holyspirit is to be in connection with him, to be in communion with him, to involve him in our daily lives.
These implies opening  up the deepest parts of our personality to the influence and direction of God’s spirit, our thoughts motives, feelings, attitude, decisions must be laid bare in his presence. He must have a say in our future plans, fears, hopes , passions, vision, our business, career, choice of spouse and all we think about in life.

We should always seek his counsel and wisdom in all things and submit to his prompting urges and nudges,

How do we do that?

Simply by yielding our selves to him, telling him to direct and teach us.

Not just saying those words but also having a hunger in your heart for him.
Remember he is a gentle spirit, he doesn’t force himself on you. He waits till you are ready. Make a decision today invite him in.

I know you can do that.

We should share the details of our relationships and intimate friendships .
Fellowship with the holyspirit means taking pains to find out what pleases him.
It means avoiding the sins against the holyspirit and manifesting the behavior that reflects the fruit of the spirit. (Gal. 5:22-23)

 Now as Christian we need the holyspirit on daily basis.

Why ?

We need him to help us make correct decisions and lead us to the right part.

“for as many as are lead by the spirit of God, these are the sons of God”
(Rom.8:14) nkjv

 CULTIVATE that habit.

Hello! Look

Things we must avoid.. these are sins against the Holyspirit,
We should avoid this as we seek fellowship with him(because he has always been ready to fellowship with us)

Grieving the HolySpirit(he has emotions)_Eph. 4:30
Quenching the Holyspirit_1 thess. 5:19
Insulting the Holyspirit_heb 10:29
Resisting the Holyspirit_acts 7:51
Lying to the Holyspirit_acts 5:3
Tempting the Holyspirit_acts 5:9
Blaspheming the Holyspirit_matt 12:31 32
Rebelling against the Holyspirit_Psa. 106:33
Striving with the Holyspirit_Gen. 6:3

The Christian life is a supernatural life, oh yea it is.

So we need not operate in the physical realm as ministers. We operate in the spiritual.
The war going on is not  a war against the physical although it is been made manifest in the physical, we are at war against principalities and powers.

Fallen man has the sinful nature even after he is born again. (gal.5:16, rom. 7:14-22)

So we as new creation(the saved Christians, born again Christians in Jesus Christ) should be able to love and walk worthy of the calling as a child of God.
Now this is what the fellowship of the Holyspirit does for us.

God’s grace


Ze Muse said…
You have dealt with the Holy spirit here. However Jesus saaid except a man be born of the water and the spirit, he cannot make the kingdom of heaven- John 3:5. Can you do a post on baptism?
Ricky joe said…
yea. baptism is coming up soon.. thank you for your participation.
i appreciate

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