What is lacking in you as a christian

Mark 9:23

'Jesus said unto him, if thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth'

Now this one verse people find really hard to comprehend.

If we look at john 3:16 and many other bible verses it has believe in it.
Iet me explain what this 'believe' talks about.

Jesus said if thou can believe.

For you to believe you must eliminate every doubt.

Now how do you eliminate doubt. It is not really easy but Jesus knew that already.

We have the bible.

The bible contains God's own words.

John 1:1

'in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God'

Please I want you to observe this 'the word was with God' and 'the word was God'

Look closely 'the word was God'

Remember God is the same, yesterday, and forever.

So the word is still God.

You getting it?

God is powerful and
 'unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us' eph 3:20

This brings us to another thing 'the power that worketh in us'

So you see.

What is left is to manifest that power.

How ?

Simply reading the word(bible), make the bible a part of you.
Become a bible addict.

Study the word

As you go about it, meditate on it , when you start doing that, not long enough you will act the word. There and then doubts will be eliminated and your believe system will be turned up.
So I urge you to build your believe system
Build yourself on the word of God(thats the strongest foundation you can have as a christian).

Read the word(bible)

Study it

Meditate on it

Act it

Get a bible today.

God bless


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