Come as you are

Matt 9:10-13

 "and it came to pass as Jesus sat at meat in the house, behold, many publicans and sinners came and sat down with him and his disciples"

"and the pharisees saw it, they said unto his disciples, why eateth your master with publicans and sinners?"

"but when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, they that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.

Verse 13
"but go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance"


And Jesus said I am not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.
The son of God came for sinners and not the righteous, He came to redeem us from our iniquities.
Many of us have this notion that we are sinners and that we cant change. Sin is in our DNA and therefore nothing can be done about it.

But I tell you, it is a lie , something has already been done about it.

Jesus did a huge thing during his earth walk. ( which I choose to call the walk of love)

The reason why He came was to redeem us from the forces of darkness, to bring us out of the dominion of satan. To take our sinful nature and give us His own nature.(righteous nature)

Just like He said "I came for sinners"

That He accomplished on the cross

We are free from sin. Glory to God.

 John 8:3-12 I am paraphrasing

And the scribes and the pharisees brought a woman who was caught in the very act of adultery , and told Jesus according to the law of moses this woman should be stoned. Jesus ignored them at first but as they kept pressing on, Jesus said "He that is without sin amongst you let him first cast a stone at her" but nobody did , they left her and went their various ways. Jesus said to her "woman where are your accusers? Has no man condemned you? She said no man lord, Jesus then replied "neither do I condemn you"

Wonderful .

"neither do I condemn you" (pause for while and meditate on this)

Our merciful saviour.

 This is Jesus defending an adulterous woman. Love did this

Romans 5:8

"but God commendeth his love towards us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Kjv

There it is, Christ died for us when we did not even seek Him.

When we had no knowledge of Him whatsoever.

When we went about doing our various things the way it pleased us.

Christ does not condemn, He saves !

People say God is angry at you because you are sinner. It is a lie, Christ has paid the price for sin.

1 peter 3:18

"for Christ died for sins ONCE AND FOR ALL, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but was made alive by the spirit" NIV

What God doesnt like is you continuing in sin and rejecting what Christ did for you.
He is angry at the sinful nature not you.

Christ died for the ungodly.

Today I tell you, Come the way you are, He will not condemn you.
Come the way you are He will change you.
Come the way you are He will make you a master not a slave anymore.
We have been slaves to sin from the fall, but not anymore.
We are now sons. Sons of God, master to satan.

Come the way you are Jesus will change it.

 Love has done it . come and take

Romans 5:10

"for if when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his son,much more being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life"

Come as you are .

Jesus calls.
God bless you


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