This is our story

Made in God’s image, after his likeness

Made to dominate, made in oneness with him

Made to rule over all God created

Made to dominate

Made to live in love

Made to love like He loved and still loves

Made to be sons , not servants

We lost all that when Adam fell

Sin came in and dominated

Satan took over

He ruled over us

We became slaves, alienated from God

We lost our dominion

We lost our closeness with God

We became cowards

We lost our confidence in God

We lost our boldness to stand before Him

But thanks be to God

Jesus came, God came, Love came

Becoming flesh, He lived among us

Lived like we live

Ate like we eat

Did everything we did, yet without sin

Was condemned to death

Made to carry the cross.

Crucified on the cross.

Died for our sake.

Died with our sin.

Took my nature and gave me his nature.

We were baptize into his death, rose with Him in glory.

Having disarmed principalities and power, He made public spectacle of them.

This He did for us.

Gave us back our dominion.

Gave us back our authority.

Made us sons.

Made us masters over the devil.

Gave us back our boldness and confidence to approach our father.

Now in all things we are more than a conqueror through Him that loved us and died for us.

Love did this

Love made this available

Satan has been defeated.

We are Victors not victims anymore.

Jesus did it. Believe it

This is our story



Anonymous said…
Each time I read this, I smile knowing I am greatly Loved
Anonymous said…

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