He did it

“who being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to equal with God, but made himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bond servant, and coming in the likeness of men.and being found in appearance as man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross. Philippians 2:6-8

Today Jesus is telling us, He died for us.

And He went out of his way to achieve that.

 He left his comfort zone for that purpose.

If only most people understood what it meant to live without Jesus, God saw it, He knew what the result was.

And today, there is still a one hundred percent chance to accept him as your Personal Lord and Savior.

If only most people knew what it is to live or die without Jesus, they will spend the rest of their lives preaching  Jesus.

At the fall of Adam, God was devastated and heartbroken, He could not bear it, he lost fellowship with man.

He started making plans to restore that which was lost, Jesus said  here I am father send me.

And the word is telling us here that Jesus did not consider his equality with God, but made himself of no value, no reputation, he made himself of no worth.

Humbled himself, became a servant, God became a servant for my sake, our sake.

Lived like we lived, yet without sin, on the cross was made a sin offering for our sake.

Died, went to hell, suffered the horrors of death which we were to suffer, paid the full price of our sin. Conquered hell for our sake, brought us out from darkness and translated us into his marvelous light.

He did all this for you and I.

He did this for us to have a better life, a life with our father.
He considered not himself, He made us his number one priority.
Love did this.

Let us embrace Him today, confess him as the Lord over our lives.

The same Jesus that died for you is knocking constantly at the door of your heart, just listen closely and open the door for him.

Jesus calls


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