It is finished

“so when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “it is finished” and bowing his head, He gave up His spirit.” John 19:30

Jesus did not die on the cross for us because any one of us deserved it.

We all deserved Hell’s fire, but we have been redeemed by Jesus Christ.

 The word “redeemed ” here  literally means to buy with a price. The price here is Jesus Himself. He gave Himself up as a ransom for you and me. He gave Himself up, so that you and I can receive the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness to reign in life.

It is all about Jesus.

And He said it is finished.

Jesus made that statement because the full anger of God against sin was laid totally on his body.

It is finished Jesus said.

The veil has been torn.

You and I can now come boldly to God.
You and I have been made righteous
We have right standing with God.
And this all came by Jesus.

We did not merit it but He has given it to us.
Let us stop the self righteous act. It will never make us righteous before God.

We are made righteous by believing in the finished work of Jesus on the cross where He paid the full price of redemption.
God is not angry with you anymore, He has declared, “your sins and your lawless deeds I will remember no more”.
God does not have any record of your sins again.
The enmity separating you and God has been removed.
When God looks at you He sees his righteousness in you.
He does not see the old nature of you anymore.
God sees Jesus in you.
He sees the new nature.
He sees a new creation.
God bless you


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