New life

For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God” Colossians  3:3

 We are dead and our life is now hidden in Christ in God.

Romans 6:3 makes us understand that we were baptized into the death of Christ.

For when Jesus died we died with Him, He took the old life we had and gave us a new life which is now hidden in Him.

He took that life that was exposed to the devil, the life that was all about the leading of the devil, the life that was control by the devil, the life which had so many unforeseen circumstances coming our way.

The life we lived as slaves to the devil, under his torment, under his authority, under his  control.

The life that made us weep always, because we always found ourselves doing that very thing we didn’t want to do.

A life of sorrow, we would always go to bed in fear, anticipating something bad in our dream. We were hopeless . 

Totally hopeless.

But here is the Good news, as a born again Christian, we have a new life.

A life of freedom, a life as sons, a life not controlled or ruled by the devil.

And do you know something wonderful about this,  THIS NEW LIFE IS HIDDEN IN Christ IN GOD.

Glory to God.

Our life is hidden in God.

So the enemy has no access, cannot monitor you nor prompt you on what to do.

This new life is the best.

Jesus made it possible.

Jesus wants you to have that life.

That wonderful life hidden in Him.

It is not late to have that life.

Jesus calls

God bless you


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