Our Liberty

“Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage” Galatians 5:1

The word says here “stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free”

Jesus came to deliver us from our iniquity.

He came to reconcile us.

He came to deliver us from the curse of the law[yoke of bondage]

The law of sin and death, the law which made us weak, the law kept us in the very situation it was given to save us from.

 The law made us see only how useless we were. It never gave us any hope of becoming any better, it drenched us with our iniquities.

It held us hostage, the law couldn’t even allow us pray to God, we were always sorrowful under the law, the law hid us from the face of God, the law made us always to feel bad about ourselves.

The law gave us the knowledge of Sin.

But thank God we are no more under the law.

Jesus has set us free … Glory to God.

And here Apostle Paul is telling us we should remain in the freedom which Christ made available to us.

We should hold unto this liberty, express ourselves in it. Live our entire life in it.

In this liberty, there is life[the new life in God], our sins are forgiven, joy unspeakable, fellowship with God.

In this liberty, we are called sons, not slaves, we are called heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ.

In this liberty, we are sitted with Christ in heavenly places, we are made righteous , in this liberty we are more than conquerors, we are over comers, we heal the sick, we raise the dead, we cast out demons, we are world changers.

In this liberty Christ lives in us and us in him.

Let us remain in it

God bless


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