Whenever you see that word, what comes to your mind is pulpit preaching, lack of money, living a beggarly life and so on, i wouldnt blame you if you saw it that way, but the truth is, you are getting it all wrong.

if a child is given a candy without removing the wrap, the child will put the candy in its mouth without removing its wrap. does that make it the right way to eat the candy? no. many of us because of the wrong information have developed wrong attitude and have believed wrongly of certain things.

straight to the point.

What is ministry?

In the simplest of terms, ministry is service.

the work of God is a life, not a job you do and when old you retire, just like the marriage vow "till death do us part" such is ministry. It is the service rendered to God by God's specifications, doing what God wants and when He wants it and this work has been made known to us by the command Jesus gave by saying "go ye into the world and make disciples"

just like every business firm has terms and conditions of working with them.

Ministry as it is, is the greatest privilege given on earth,
ministry makes it possible for a man to be engrafted into God's plan, herald God's purpose and be an instrument to its fulfillment.

To be continued


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